I Love Being Alone: 7 Warm Introvert Confessions to Read
Photo by Dylann Hendricks on Unsplash
Enjoying time alone is different from being a loner. The first relates to someone who appreciates solitude, while the latter is someone who prefers not to associate with others. The question is, “Is it okay to be alone?” Absolutely.
I love being alone because I’m an introvert who enjoys my personal space more than anything. I don’t like crowds or noisy places because it’s hard for me to focus and relax. Being alone is the best because I can quiet down without worrying.
If you’re curious about other reasons why being alone is good, or why introverts are happiest alone, this article has all the details. Below are seven warm introvert confessions on “Why I like to be alone.”
I can hear my inner voice.
As an introvert, I have a rich inner world with countless ideas, thoughts, and my inner voice keeping me company. The reason I love being alone is that it allows me to hear my inner thoughts more clearly. When the world is too noisy, my thoughts don’t quiet down. It’s more or less like a bustle, trying to know which to listen to.
Being alone makes enjoying solitude all the more worthwhile. It allows me to simply reflect and learn about myself. I know about the intent of all my actions better. Why I feel things, think things, and act the way I do. Knowing my why’s makes me more powerful than most people think. It puts me one step ahead and I avoid unnecessary pressure.
I like being alone because it also helps me understand my hobbies. When you ask people what they love doing the most, no one has a clearer perspective than an introvert who prioritizes alone time.
2. Quiet time helps me work better.
It’s safe to say that my creativity skyrockets when I’m not distracted. This is also linked to how my mind works. If I can focus more on my inner world and also sort out my ideas accordingly, I can be as inventive as I please. Why do I like being alone so much? Because I can work better when things are quiet.
As a writer, my creative ideas are best harnessed when I’m in a serene environment. The thousands of words running through my mind can easily get jumbled up with other people’s chatter. That’s why I am happy to be alone because it ensures I can get work done.
Similarly, for content creators who need time to draft out their concepts, this might be better in quieter scenarios, especially for the more reserved folks.
3. I can process my observations fully.
My introverted mind is constantly paying attention to the tiniest of details. I can’t help it - I’m a natural observer. When I walk into a place, I take notice of things others might overlook. It helps me stay perceptive, and full of knowledge to boost my creativity.
However, as my mind sees more than the average mind, my mind needs to sort out all the data it's collecting. This is why it’s okay to be alone. If I don’t get enough solitude, a lot of unprocessed information would be lingering in my subconscious which can make me jumpy, anxious, or even irritable.
So, why am I happier alone? Because I can clear my head and learn from what I’ve observed, I enjoy being alone because I manage stress better when there isn’t external pressure or more things to overload my senses with.
Related: How to be Happy Alone: 21 Steps to Enjoy a Quiet Life
4. I can daydream without interruptions.
Introverts like me are known for being aloof. We come up with several realities in our minds and have constant imaginations. Although we want to be actively present in our environments, daydreaming has many perks that we’re unashamed of.
For example, the brain can’t remain focused on productive things all day long. Daydreaming helps the brain unwind and is part of healthy practices the brain needs. Likewise, daydreaming helps us solve problems when constantly ruminating doesn’t work. It also boosts our aspiration levels as being distracted can help the mind connect some unseen dots.
However, daydreaming doesn’t work well when in a crowd. It’s best to be alone if you want your thoughts to wander. Why do I enjoy being alone? Because it’s great for my mental well-being and helps me focus more optimally later on.
People can easily think I’m antisocial, uninterested, or cold when I’m daydreaming in public. That’s why I love being alone because I can free my thoughts without worrying about who’s watching me.
5. I can mentally prepare for social interactions.
Unlike extroverts, who can ‘wing it’ when it comes to social interactions, we introverts need to prepare for unprecedented conversations. Our brains work this way because we’re internally focused, and it takes a great deal to bring us out of our shells on short notice. We quiet folks must be comfortable before we can let loose.
That’s why being alone is okay because it gives me the time to let my guard down. My psychology is different from other personalities, and I can’t just be what others want on the spot. I need a calm environment to sort out the noise within me before I can function in a busy setting.
So when I say, “I prefer to be alone most of the time,” it’s mostly so I can be at my best when I’m out in public. It doesn’t mean I’m unsociable, but I care about having meaningful and quality relationships with others. Besides, distance makes the heart grow fonder. If I spend ample time away, people will likely value my presence more.
Related: Am I Too Quiet? P.S. No, You’re Not. A How-To Guide to Using Your Introversion to Your Advantage
6. I’m not under pressure when alone.
Introverts have a superpower, and that’s knowing themselves better than others. I have this ability because I enjoy being alone, and I’m not afraid to admit it. I can safely say that being alone is ok because I get to reflect on my character, and know my likes and dislikes. This activity makes me stay true to myself even in the most unlikely circumstances.
I’m not under pressure to be like others, do what’s popular, or try to fit in. When I say, “I want to be alone!” I unconsciously turn off the influence of the world to do what makes me happy. The more I repeat this action, the more my authenticity skyrockets.
So, is being alone okay? Yes, it is. It makes me more confident in my skin, knowing what’s best for me without having to compromise to please others.
7. I always have an awesome time with myself.
I love who I am, and I wouldn’t trade my personality for anything in the world. That’s how great I feel about myself. This wouldn’t be possible if I didn’t get to spend enough time alone. If being with yourself makes you uncomfortable, it should be a concern. You should be the most awesome person you know.
Sometimes, I laugh at the jokes I tell myself and relish the cool things I think about. It’s safe to say that I’m the source of my own happiness, and you should be too. To be alone is better because it makes you independent and strong. You don’t have to rely on others to be satisfied because you’ll always have yourself.
I’m content with being alone, and this boosts my self-sufficiency in public. It makes me all the more awesome and intriguing, even though I might be too aloof to even notice.
Related: 12 Delightful Benefits of Being an Introvert in Today’s World
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The Science Behind Enjoying Being Alone
The Dopamine Effect
Dopamine is the "feel-good" chemical that rewards us for certain actions. It also increases our desire to repeat those actions. However, our personality types determine our dopamine response, especially when it comes to socializing.
Being in a social gathering is naturally tiring for the brain. There are loud noises, different chatter, and several things to pay attention to. This is tasking and can make the mind crave solitude and silence. However, dopamine makes things less cumbersome.
Under the dopamine effect, an individual can suddenly enjoy interacting with many people, even loud chatterers. However, this sensation wears off faster in introverts than in extroverts.
Consider it a sugar rush in children. Some children may get over a sugar rush quickly, while others may spend the entire day running around. Trying to give a kid more sugar just to make them excited will only get them sick.
Similarly, more social interactions will only tire introverts out (overstimulate them). The reason why it's ok to be alone is that your brains is wired that way.
2. Stimulation Sensitivity
According to research, introverts and extroverts are sensitive to stimulation in different ways. For example, you can measure introversion in children due to their sensitivity to loud noises.
Since their brains are more active, according to studies, introverts are sensitive to external stimulation that can also cause lack of harmony in their minds if the environment is too noisy.
Hence, the reason why introverts prefer being alone, and being in quiet places.
More so, extroverts have a low sensitivity to dopamine, which means their brains can secrete more without complications. Introverts are more sensitive to dopamine, further explaining their stimulation sensitivity.
3. Different Neurotransmitters
Neurotransmitters are chemical messages that the body can't function without. They move from one nerve to another, helping the body know exactly what to do.
Since introverts are sensitive to external stimuli, their bodies use the parasympathetic system of their autonomic nervous system to help keep them calm. This system is activated with the release of the neurotransmitter called acetylcholine.
Acetylcholine makes the heart beat slower, the lungs take in less oxygen, and generally, keeps the body at ease.
On the contrary, extroverts tend to use their sympathetic system, which is activated by the neurotransmitter dopamine. This gets their hearts pumping, pupils dilating, and other bodily functions that makes them excited.
It’s why introverts believe being alone is better, because their bodies are working overtime to boost their tranquility.
Why do I like being alone?
If you prefer your alone time to being in public, then you might be an introvert. You’re internally focused and enjoy paying attention to your thoughts and feelings.
Is it okay to be alone?
According to research, people need to be alone to unwind and offload. Quiet folks might enjoy this more than others because of how their brain responds to external stimuli.
Why am I happy alone?
You’re not under pressure to please anyone, and that’s why you’re happy alone. You can enjoy all the things you love, and take your mind off worrying subjects.
Why do I want to be alone?
If you’re thinking, “I prefer to be alone,” it’s not abnormal. You don’t have to be antisocial to like spending time alone. Your mind needs some downtime, and being alone is the peace it needs.
Is it better to be alone?
It’s better to be alone than in a social situation that’s draining you. Staying by yourself helps you refresh your mind and focus on the things that matter most to you.
Final Thoughts
While being alone is good, surrounding yourself with one or two quality people is the balance everyone needs. After getting refreshed in solitude, your mind will crave some engagement, so don’t turn down the chance to bond with a good person. Connect with other introverts like yourself here. Kindly leave a comment below if you liked this article, or share it with others.
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