13 Eye-Opening Truths About INFJ Strengths and Weaknesses


If you’re here, you’re mostly likely an INFJ or you know one. The INFJ personality type is one of the 16 personality types identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). INFJs are often seen as caring motivators who are all about creating harmony for humanity. 

They're exceptionally good at sensing people's emotions and understanding different situations. Even though they may not seek the spotlight, they're the ones working behind the scenes to make sure everything goes according to plan. 

In today’s article, we’ll discuss some eye-opening truths about an INFJ’s strengths and weaknesses. Once you understand your personality type, it will help you deal with stress and become more self-aware. 

For people with advocate personality types, this will also make it easier to handle both your personal and professional lives.

The Strengths of an INFJ Person

As an INFJ, you possess a unique set of strengths that make you a valuable contributor in various aspects of life.

The strengths of INFJs are deeply rooted in their cognitive functions, particularly their dominant function of Introverted Intuition (Ni) and the auxiliary function of Extraverted Feeling (Fe). These functions shape their behavior and contribute to their unique qualities.

Here’s a closer look at some INFJ strengths:

I. They understand and empathize with others.

INFJs are known for their exceptional empathy and understanding, thanks to their Extraverted Feeling (Fe) function. This allows them to pick up on the emotions of others, making them incredibly compassionate and supportive individuals. They have a natural talent for connecting with people on an emotional level and are always there to offer comfort and guidance when needed.

II. They are filled with creativity and imagination.

People with an advocate-type personality have profound creativity and imagination. This is rooted in their dominant function of Introverted Intuition (Ni). This unique ability enables them to perceive patterns, possibilities, and connections that others might miss. 

INFJs can translate these insights into innovative ideas, which could be in the form of art, literature, problem-solving, and many more. Their imaginative nature also leads them to come up with truly original and out-of-the-box solutions.

III. They demonstrate a deep sense of dedication and determination.

When it comes to dedication and determination, INFJs are fueled by their strong sense of purpose and idealism. This is influenced by their Ni function. 

They are deeply passionate about making a positive impact on the world and are willing to put in the hard work and effort required to achieve their goals. This unwavering commitment to their ideals is truly admirable.

IV. They possess a strong sense of intuition.

The strong intuition of INFJs is a direct result of their dominant Ni function. This gives them the remarkable ability to grasp complex concepts and foresee future possibilities intuitively.

People with an advocate personality rely on their intuition to guide their decisions and navigate the world around them. Their knack for seeing the bigger picture and anticipating outcomes is truly impressive.

V. They can deeply connect with others

An INFJ’s ability to connect with others is facilitated by their Fe function, They can understand and respond to the emotions of those around them. 

They also excel at being attentive listeners and are adept at creating deep, meaningful relationships based on empathy and genuine care. This genuine interest in others and their empathetic nature make them wonderful companions and confidants.


Some INFJ Weaknesses You Should Know About

INFJs have a set of weaknesses that are influenced by their cognitive functions, particularly their tertiary and inferior functions. These weaknesses can impact various aspects of their lives and relationships. Here’s a closer look:

A. They tend to overthink and worry

INFJs' tendency to overthink and worry stems from their intricate thought processes, often attributed to their tertiary function of Introverted Thinking (Ti). This function, when not well-balanced, can lead INFJs to get caught up in analyzing situations excessively, leading to increased stress and anxiety. 

B. They struggle with perfectionism and self-criticism

People with an advocates personality tend to struggle with perfectionism and self-criticism, which is deeply rooted in their desire for ideal outcomes. This is driven by their dominant Introverted Intuition (Ni) and tertiary Introverted Thinking (Ti) functions. Their Ni function propels them to seek perfection and envision ideal scenarios, while their Ti function can lead to a critical evaluation of their own thoughts and actions. 

C. They have difficulty making decisions

The difficulty INFJs face in making decisions is closely linked to their dominant Ni function and auxiliary Extraverted Feeling (Fe) function. Their Ni function may lead to overanalyzing possibilities, while their Fe function prioritizes the emotions and needs of others, making it challenging for INFJs to make decisions that align with their personal values. 

D. They are sensitive to criticism

Sensitivity to criticism is one of the weaknesses of INFJ, and is heavily influenced by their Fe function. This makes them highly attuned to the emotions of others. Criticism can deeply affect INFJs due to their empathetic nature and desire to maintain harmony in relationships.

E. They might find it difficult to say no/express emotions

The struggle of INFJs to say no or express their emotions can be associated with their Fe function and inferior Extraverted Sensing (Se) function. Their Fe function drives them to prioritize the needs of others, often at the expense of their own, while their underdeveloped Se function may hinder their ability to assert themselves or express their emotions assertively. 

F. They have a tendency to overcommit

As a result of their Fe function, a tendency to overcommit is also one of the personality traits INFJs have. They have a natural desire to make a positive impact and difficulty in saying no. This drives them to help and support others and take on more responsibilities than they can handle, resulting in stress and burnout. 

13 Eye-opening Truths about INFJ Strengths and Weaknesses

Now that you’re aware of the several INFJ strengths and weaknesses, here are some truths that can help a 16personalities advocate. These tips will help any 16 personalities INFJ can use to balance out their traits, while still being themselves to the fullest.

1. Your strengths can become weaknesses in certain situations

It's important to recognize that as an INFJ, our innate strengths, such as creativity, empathy, and determination, are valuable assets. However, we should also be mindful that these strengths can sometimes veer into the territory of weaknesses if not kept in balance. 

For instance, our creativity, while a wonderful gift, may sometimes lead us to overthink and worry excessively if not channeled constructively. Similarly, our deep empathy can sometimes make us overly sensitive to criticism. Even our determination might occasionally push us towards perfectionism and eventual burnout

By acknowledging these tendencies, you can work towards harnessing these INFJ personality strengths in a more balanced and constructive manner.

2. Your weaknesses can be strengths in certain situations

Conversely, it's truly fascinating to consider that our INFJ personality weaknesses can actually transform into strengths in certain situations. Take, for example, our sensitivity to criticism - while it may feel like a weakness at times, it can actually make us more empathetic and understanding of others' feelings. 

Additionally, our tendency to overthink can lead to innovative solutions and ideas if harnessed effectively. Embracing these aspects of ourselves and recognizing their potential positive impact can be truly empowering.

3. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses can lead to personal growth

For us INFJs, self-awareness truly plays a crucial role in our journey towards development. When we acknowledge our strengths, we can effectively leverage them to achieve our goals and make a real impact. 

Similarly, understanding our weaknesses allows us to develop strategies to overcome challenges and further enhance our personal and professional lives. It's all about embracing our whole selves and using that knowledge to flourish.

4. INFJs need to practice self-care to avoid burnout

Now, let's talk about the importance of self-care for us INFJs. We're known for our perfectionistic nature and tendency to overcommit, which can easily lead to burnout. That's why taking the time to prioritize self-care is absolutely crucial. 

Setting boundaries, learning to prioritize our own needs, and engaging in relaxation techniques are all vital for maintaining our physical and mental well-being. After all, when we take care of ourselves, we're better equipped to handle life's challenges and continue to thrive.

5. Your empathy can build strong relationships

As an INFJ, it's important to remember that our empathetic nature is not just a character trait but a significant strength that can help us build strong, meaningful relationships. Our ability to deeply understand and connect with others through empathy allows us to forge deep and lasting connections. 

By being attuned to the emotions and needs of those around us, we become a source of comfort and support for our loved ones, friends, and colleagues. It's in these connections that we find fulfillment and the opportunity to positively impact the lives of others.

6. Your creativity can find solutions to problems

Creativity is a powerful tool that INFJs possess, and it can be a valuable asset in finding innovative solutions to problems. When you embrace your creative side, it allows you to approach challenges from unique angles and develop novel solutions. 

Whether it's in your relationships or professional career, your ability to think outside the box and see possibilities where others might not, enables you to make a real difference. 

By tapping into our creativity, we can bring fresh perspectives to the table, inspiring change and growth in ourselves and those around us.

7. Your determination can help you achieve your goals

Your determination as INFJs can truly be a game-changer when it comes to achieving our goals. We INFJs are known for our tireless pursuits, which act as a driving force behind our accomplishments. 

When we set clear and meaningful goals and work towards them with persistence and dedication, we have the incredible ability to overcome obstacles and bring our visions to life. It's all about that laser focus and the willingness to keep pushing forward, even when things get tough. 

Remember, your determination is a powerful tool that can help you turn your dreams into reality.

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8. Your intuition can help you make wise decisions

Now, let's talk about our intuition and how it can be a guiding light when it comes to making wise decisions. As INFJs, we possess a profound sense of intuition that goes beyond mere gut feelings. 

Our intuition is like our superpower, allowing us to tap into subtle cues and patterns that might elude others. By trusting our instincts and considering the bigger picture, we have the ability to make informed choices that truly resonate with our values and long-term goals. 

Even when you might want to overthink, you should trust your instincts sometimes. It's all about tuning into that inner wisdom and allowing it to steer us towards the best possible outcomes.

9. Use mindfulness to reduce overthinking and worry

As an INFJ myself, I understand the struggle of overthinking and worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. Mindfulness is a powerful tool to cope with these tendencies. It’ll help you learn to focus on the present moment, and let go of anxiety about the future or regrets about the past. 

Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, can allow you to cultivate a sense of calm and centeredness. This also reduces the overwhelming nature of your thoughts. 

10. Accept imperfections and practice self-compassion

I've also struggled with perfectionism, which made me criticize myself often and be terribly unhappy with my life. But, I've come to realize that the best way to balance out this trait is by embracing your imperfections and practicing self-compassion.

Once I acknowledge and accept my imperfections, I'm able to let go of the constant need to meet unrealistic standards, and instead, focus on personal growth and self-acceptance. 

Through self-compassion, I've also learned to treat myself with kindness and understanding, just as I would a close friend. This shift in perspective has allowed me to develop a more forgiving attitude towards myself and others. More so, to have a greater sense of inner peace.

So, my fellow INFJ, be gentle with yourself and you’ll have a more realistic and loving relationship with yourself.

11. Use decision-making strategies to cope with anxiety

Do you know that developing strategies when making a decision has been incredibly beneficial in coping with anxiety? It's all about breaking down complex decisions into smaller, manageable parts and considering multiple perspectives. 

This approach not only streamlines the decision-making process but also helps to reduce anxiety by providing a clear roadmap for making choices. Once you take the time to carefully analyze different angles and potential outcomes, you’ll be able to approach decision-making with more confidence and peace of mind.

I've also found that seeking advice from trusted friends or mentors can help you gain insights and support during your decision-making process.

12. You need to develop a growth mindset to handle criticism

Handling criticism can be particularly challenging for INFJs. But, developing a growth mindset has been a game-changer for me. I’ve learned that embracing a growth mindset means viewing criticism as an opportunity for learning, rather than as a personal attack. 

By reframing criticism in this way, I've been able to approach feedback with greater openness and resilience. It's all about using that feedback, whether positive or negative, as a tool to improve personally and professionally.

13. Practice expressing emotions in a healthy way

If you sometimes struggle with expressing your emotions in a healthy way, you’re not alone; myself included. However, I've found some techniques that are incredibly beneficial. 

Journaling, in particular, has been a powerful tool for me to explore and understand my emotions more deeply.

Additionally, engaging in creative activities such as art, music, or writing can allow you to express yourself in ways that words alone cannot capture. These outlets provide a safe space to process and release emotions in a constructive manner. 


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INFJ strengths and weaknesses


Remember, your empathy, creativity, and insight as an INFJ are powerful assets. Use these strengths to navigate through the challenges that come your way. More so, it's okay to acknowledge your weaknesses but don't let them define you.

Your journey of personal growth is tied to understanding your INFJ strengths and weaknesses. Wishing you all the best on your path to self-discovery and fulfillment!


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